How Dallas designers and developers are leading the industry through a tsunami of change.
CHRISTINE PEREZ: Let’s start by getting a little background info and learning a little more about what each of you do.

MIKE ABLON: I’m founding partner of PegasusAblon. We are a Dallas-based company that focuses on where culture meets the city fabric, and we do that specifically within real estate.

ROBERT SHAW: I’m managing partner of Columbus Realty Partners, which focuses primarily on multifamily developments. I’ve been doing it for more than 30 years, since 1987.

SCOTT POLIKOV: I’m with Gateway Planning. We’re Dallas and Fort Worth based, work all over the country, urban design and development consulting firm. Walkable neighborhoods are what we work on. Downtown redevelopment and new development primarily for legacy owners that are looking for long-term value creation rather than merchant building returns in two to three years.

HEATH MAY: I’m with HKS LINE, our Laboratory for INtensive Exploration. We are a design studio and a research and development team. I’m a very generalist architect who works on a wide variety of projects, from sports stadiums to small residential apartments.

JEFF EITING: I’m an office tenant rep at CBRE, where I specialize in technology and media clients. I help startup companies all the way up to established companies and everything in between, both in Dallas and nationally.

JEFF BLACKARD: I’m the founder and CEO of Blackard Global, and I build villages. I’ve done resorts and master-planned communities and office parks, but for the last 12 years of my life, I’ve focused on building villages.

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